#00 in How NOT To Write A Novel….Why Not?

by Matt

Well, I’ve re-designed the site and re-christened it "How NOT To Write a Novel".

This revamp started because I envisioned a series of posts that would encompass all of the ways that I waste time and effort, rather than applying myself constructively to items on my "Wish To Do" List. Atop the list is a project for a novel that I’ve been chipping at for many, many years. I’ve done outlines, research, and spent some serious time daydreaming about the story, but have always put off the actual writing. Of course this isn’t a trait exclusive to writing….It’s pretty much my standard M.O. for most projects. Anywho, more on the novel later.

As for this blog, I wanted to chronicle all of the many side-projects and fun diversions that make life interesting (for me, at least). Often I feel like the go-to-guy amongst friends and family when it comes to anything related to DIY technology or video-related upgrades, and I wanted to begin posting some of my advice and how-to’s for topics that are not only distractions and diversions for the literary life, but hobbies in their own right.

The focus will be on technology and its impact on culture and the arts. Personally, I’m most interested in the access to and ease with which we can engage in popular culture, including the trend to remix (movies), mashup (music), and mod (games).