
by Matt

So…there were two great acquisitions last Friday that I forgot to talk up.

One was the a print from Audrey Kawasaki that I had purchased in February (picture in an upcoming post) that finally arrived, and it is beautiful.

But, what’s been burning up my CD /mp3 players this week is the latest album from Galactic, Ya-Ka-May. I’ve got a nostalgic bent for the band from my days at Tulane, when we’d book them for shows here & there (I’m going way back there, btw).

Anywho, Ya-Ka-May kicks some serious ass. My favorite track so far is “Heart Of Steel” a collaboration with the incomparable Irma Thomas, which has commandeered the ‘repeat’ button on my radio for days.  There’s a Trombone Shorty track that’s almost as awesome, so I’d say the whole album is worth your time.