AOTY: Album of the Year

by Matt

Based on my partially-accurate stats (I listen to good ol’ fashioned CDs in the car)…

Matt's Listening Habits

Matt’s Listening Habits


…I’d say my contenders for #AlbumOfTheYear are:

If pressed, I think BEACON ends up as my personal choice. That album came out earlier in the year (in April) & has held my attention even to today — & it’s a beautifully structured & cohesive album. I know some might feel that the better, more ‘single’-oriented songs are up front & that it loses energy, but personally I love the way the last 4 tracks build slowly toward ‘Split in Two’ at the close.  [Runner-up is AMOK. Not a bad song on there…]

Now, there were some other releases that I loved, but I tried to limit the list to what I actually listened to the most (with a slight fudge for some tunes that only got play while I was in the car & therefore not ‘scrobbled’ ).