
Category: post


Of course, ‘memory’ is one of the most fascinating elements of life for us… allowing us to grow via perspective but also providing the pitfalls of attachment & nostalgia. This month both of my sons have birthdays, so I’m constantly reminded of the various ‘Augusts’ of my life. Yesterday, while having some feels, I picked […]

Fancy Footwork

Haven’t seen this video in a while… brought a smile & good vibes.

One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Oh, ah, hmmm, look at that… I wonder if this can deliver?

“This is our story, simplified: Life. Loss. Transformation. Love. Death. Iteration.”

Wonderful writing in “We Will Teach You How to Read We Will Teach You How to Read” by Caroline M. Yoachim “…hopefully as you transform our words, you will keep some sense of the vastness of each moment, the illusion of holding more story in your mind than you are actually capable of holding.” ~ […]

Sometimes, I still need you.

‘xx day’ … Ah, another day on the calendar that stirs the memories. I’ve made so few posts here (sigh…maybe for the best… perhaps not?) that anyone giving a quick glance at the prior entries will see these annual items & know the story of them having been my #MostFaveBandEVAR for a dozen years now. […]