
Category: post

Radiohead. Ballet. Together at Last.

Source: via & the the Polish National Ballet …. Radiohead. Ballet. Together at Last.

A Lovely Solo Cover Of The xx’s “VCR” from Arlo Parks

Source: Watch Arlo Parks Play A Lovely Solo Cover Of The xx’s “VCR”


Now in heavy rotation…

Twin Peaks IRL

I was a disaffected teen eager to leave my little Ohio home town when TWIN PEAKS first aired & I was *obviously* bonkers for its mix of dark, surrealistic whimsy — a novelty for broadcast TV back in 1990. The weird pull of “the woods at night” was something I already knew & recognized, even […]

New Domain!

Yesterday I went thru the whole rigmarole to move the website from over here to… an interesting process, as I hadn’t messed around with ftp or databases in a few years. Aside from a few broken links it was relatively painless, if slow. Lots of changes & business to come in the next […]