
Category: post

Mischief making

Arduinos, LEDs, motor shields, oh my.


“I Wish I Was” by the Avett Brothers. ( the wafting wistful wanting of this plucks a lot strings for me… a bit of nostalgia, bit of warmth, & some melancholy really in harmony with the tender lyrics. A banger, as the kids say. ) ~ m

Books Acquired, January 2019

2019 has already started piling up #books. Looking forward to reading (& writing) more this year. A Bit on the Side, William Trevor Black Hole, Bucky Sinister Diving Makes the Water Deep, Zach Savich Sympathy, Olivia Sudjic Rabbit & Robot, Andrew A. Smith

“There is no reason to overthink any of this…”

Sometimes its just all so much, & the only thing that makes you feel better is reading a flowery screed railing against the no-good-terrible-evil-thing that we all see, yet is still making our lives collectively worse. David Roth has some choice words re: our (clearly sliding into elderly dementia) ‘President’: Trump is so relentlessly dishonest […]

We are Black Swans.

Thom Yorke, Bill Graham Auditorium. 12/15/2018