
another awesome video from Flight404

For the HD version, head over here. Solar, with lyrics. from flight404 on Vimeo. Nice. If you’re wanting more, here’s Magnetic Ink:. Magnetic Ink, Process video from flight404 on Vimeo.

More PORTAL [Warning: *Spoilers*, Tom Cruise]

Well, not a SPOILER in the conventional sense…. I finally got to finish PORTAL (between the kids and the frequent crashing/freezing of my machine it took a while ;)….thumbs up, btw. But the highlight for me had to be the little song at the end. Just as I was marvelling at how cute & clever […]

Yea, of course I have a screenplay.

Well, the nominal purpose of this blog was to give me a place to post some of my painting and drawings, in attempt to maybe actually sell something. But since I’m really just a dilettante at heart, I haven’t focused on the art quite yet and have been interested/distracted by issues surrounding visual arts, like […]

Hooked on PORTAL

So many ‘productive’ things I should be doing….but of course I’m spending all of my time playing PORTAL                   What a great, if somewhat dizzying, game experience…

WBlogger tool…

So, a (not even kinda) careful observer might notice that I don’t post often enough….I’m just not cut out for constant updates. Anyway, I’m trying out some new tools to make things easier. First up is W.Bloggar, a client tool can post, publish, edit, and delete posts on multiple blogs….and there is a portable version […]