
Tag: Apple

Tidings / 20221207

“Your debt is someone else’s asset” …a short film from The Intercept, Mollie Crabapple and co., and Astra Taylor. Via BoingBoing. You can never have enough reminders about the levers of social control… 42 This year marks the 42nd anniversary of the American release of The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy. Here are some wonderful thoughts […]

/ But when you said that I wasn’t worth talking to / I had to take your word on that /

I was massively into “Exile in Guyville” back in 1993 (sigh), & in fact I’m sure that I still have a battered & grimy CD — plastic case splintered & cracked from living in various cars & being moved around the country for 25 years — still buried in a box in my closet. There’s […]