Apple – mtadkins Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:30:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Apple – mtadkins 32 32 Tidings / 20221207 Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:30:08 +0000 “Your debt is someone else’s asset”

…a short film from The Intercept, Mollie Crabapple and co., and Astra Taylor. Via BoingBoing. You can never have enough reminders about the levers of social control…


This year marks the 42nd anniversary of the American release of The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy. Here are some wonderful thoughts on its ongoing cultural impact published over at 3 Quarks Daily.

Speaking of social control *cough*

Apple hobbled a crucial tool of dissent in China weeks before widespread protests broke out….borking AirDrop in China on behalf of that country’s totalitarian regime. #ThinkDifferent indeed.

/ But when you said that I wasn’t worth talking to / I had to take your word on that / Tue, 22 May 2018 16:25:01 +0000
  • I was massively into “Exile in Guyville” back in 1993 (sigh), & in fact I’m sure that I still have a battered & grimy CD — plastic case splintered & cracked from living in various cars & being moved around the country for 25 years — still buried in a box in my closet. There’s a new anniversary set out & I just took a break from weeks of binging on other nerdy podcasts to listen to this awesome new episode of the music-nerd show Song Exploder, which features a breakdown of “Divorce Song”.
  • Aside from the deep dive back into the mid-90s, I’ve been bouncing back & forth between the new Jon Hopkins LP & the new album from Glitch Mob, which is pretty fun (even if it doesn’t have anything as glorious as “Between Two Points”  )
  • I love reading David Foster Wallace, but assuredly he was an imperfect person & often a jerk, especially toward women.
  • I had never heard of “The Oakland-Palestine Solidarity Mural”, but it’s only an hour away & now I’d like to check it out when next in Oakland.
  • Growing up in a family that tilted toward Midwestern, evangelical Christianity, I’m familiar with the weird obsession with Israel & the ‘end times” talk of Revelation, Apocalypse, etc. The fact that evangelicals can allow this current treatment of Palestinian people, trapped in a modern day , state-sized, US-enabled concentration camp… & still call themselves “Christian” makes it clear how far from that ideal they’ve fallen.
  • Other countries, the United States included (hey, we do have shrinking freedom of choicesupport torture , & are developing an ever-expanding surveillance system after all…) will undoubtedly follow China’s “social credit” system, maybe we should avoid those companies that play along **cough** Apple ** cough** ….
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