#Day Trip – mtadkins https://www.mtadkins.com Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:05:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.mtadkins.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cropped-12917834_1163724020327828_2043764134_n-1-32x32.jpg #Day Trip – mtadkins https://www.mtadkins.com 32 32 Twin Peaks IRL https://www.mtadkins.com/2020/194355/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=twin-peaks-irl Tue, 01 Sep 2020 03:09:37 +0000 https://www.mtadkins.com/?p=194355 I was a disaffected teen eager to leave my little Ohio home town when TWIN PEAKS first aired & I was *obviously* bonkers for its mix of dark, surrealistic whimsy — a novelty for broadcast TV back in 1990. The weird pull of “the woods at night” was something I already knew & recognized, even then…

… so hot damn! it was fun to finally go see some of the original film locations in person. We took a little road trip out from under the tear-gas-haze of Portland for a mere 2.5hrs north by car to scenic Snoqualmie, WA & spent a lovely night at the Salish Lodge & Spa, gazing out at the… oh, look at this… it just happens to be…

Snoqualmie Falls
Snoqualmie Falls (photo by Matt)

Adorably, the hotel leans into the whole TWIN PEAKS vibe with special “Dale Cooper” cocktails and a “Damn Fine Cherry Pie” on a the menu. #ThumbsUp

Of course we drove about 10min over to North Bend & had milkshakes (at a respectable social distance) over at Twede’s Cafe… aka the “Double R Diner”. The whole area is bogglingly beautiful, of course, including the tiny bend in the river where “Ronette’s Bridge” still stands:

Meadowbrook Bridge in Snoqualmie (photo by Matt)