DIY – mtadkins Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:40:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DIY – mtadkins 32 32 Last Week: Oct 18 2021 Mon, 18 Oct 2021 15:53:33 +0000 WordNerds can find the time to address that “Read Next” Pile #TBR

Bookworm Clock

This little Kickstarter-project clock using literary quotes to relay the time is adorable. It also seems imminently doable in a DIY sense, so…. maybe go support them (?). Or make your own? Follow your own rainbow, dear Maker.


Victoria Chang

Dear Memory is Victoria Chang’s writing based on fragments of stories her mother shared reluctantly, and “the silences of her father” as an assemblage of mementos, poetry, and literary criticism in letters to family, past teachers, and fellow poets. [via NPR] **

** (obvs, note the above link is an ‘affiliate link’ & gives this site a kickback if you happen to purchase from Bookshop. Tx.)

ALERT: BadaSS Women in History

Last Tuesday was Ada Lovelace Day… hope you got in on the action & were inspired to flex your curiosity. Personally I like to make a whole week of it 😉

Ada Lovelace Day 2021



I was checking out some of the submissions for the Hackaday Prize, & saw this amazing project called KINETIC SOUL, which Shi Yun describes as a platform using computer vision to allow “the visually impaired to experience dance via kinetic feedback“. Very, very neat.


…as always, some #NewMusic

Oooh, Snarls has a new EP coming out soon:

Adding a touchscreen to my lil… Sun, 23 Aug 2009 21:46:00 +0000 Adding a touchscreen to my lil’ laptop. So far, so good. Managed to disassemble without cracking anything, which is better than usual.

[update] Well, I received a couple of questions, so here’s a bit more info on this admittedly awesome project:

A few months ago I picked up a second-hand (Ebay) netbook, a Lenovo Ideapad S10. I primarily use it as it was intended…mainly for surfing the web, email, etc. One nice bonus, however, is that it is a fantastic way to read comics – succeeding where my Sony E-Reader fails. Manga and some other mostly black & white comics looked “ok” on the e-reader (I have a PRS-500 model), but the Lenovo is about the same size & weight as a hardcover book and color comics look fantastic (I know, not a color shot, but you get the idea). Now, where you get the digital version of them and whether you should is a guilt-trip for another day.

Anyway, as you might imagine it’s a hassle to use windows & the touchpad when you’re holding your laptop sideways. There are some programs you can download to ‘rotate’ the touchpad input and minimize the mental gyrations needed, but what caught my eye was this “Add a touchscreen to your netbook” hack.

I ordered the kit from FidoHub & have dismantled & then re-assembled the netbook. I ran into a snag installing the controller for the touchscreen ( I need some longer wires) — , but installed the screen itself with no problem and hope to have it up and running in a couple of days. Stay tuned…

[FidoHub, I might add, are fantastic. I ordered it on a Saturday evening & had it in my hands by Tuesday. Whoooo! Then, when I realized with despair that I had somehow ordered the kit for the MSI Wind instead of my Lenovo one — don’t ask, I don’t know how — Jeff from FidoHub quickly responded to my email & offered to swap out the controller board & cables, which are now en route. Boom. All of that…from Thailand…while a typhoon was smashing them. THAT is customer service.]

#00 in How NOT To Write A Novel….Why Not? Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:33:47 +0000 Well, I’ve re-designed the site and re-christened it "How NOT To Write a Novel".

This revamp started because I envisioned a series of posts that would encompass all of the ways that I waste time and effort, rather than applying myself constructively to items on my "Wish To Do" List. Atop the list is a project for a novel that I’ve been chipping at for many, many years. I’ve done outlines, research, and spent some serious time daydreaming about the story, but have always put off the actual writing. Of course this isn’t a trait exclusive to writing….It’s pretty much my standard M.O. for most projects. Anywho, more on the novel later.

As for this blog, I wanted to chronicle all of the many side-projects and fun diversions that make life interesting (for me, at least). Often I feel like the go-to-guy amongst friends and family when it comes to anything related to DIY technology or video-related upgrades, and I wanted to begin posting some of my advice and how-to’s for topics that are not only distractions and diversions for the literary life, but hobbies in their own right.

The focus will be on technology and its impact on culture and the arts. Personally, I’m most interested in the access to and ease with which we can engage in popular culture, including the trend to remix (movies), mashup (music), and mod (games).
