
Tag: film

Admit One

Some borderline hoarder *ahem* is cleaning out the clutter & came across these ticket stubs from late 1999. Looking back, this was a pretty good period for films.

Oh, hell yea.

The new film from Jean Pierre Jeunet, Micmacs à tire-larigot, has pounced on my brain’s expectation centers.

Best Pictures

I used to be very in to the Oscars, but now not-so-much. It was actually tough to work up some enthusiasm for last month’s show. Perhaps it correlates to a time when I saw every frickin movie that came out (1996-2001). Or maybe I’m just older and my expectations have drifted upwards. Anyway, now that […]

“Family Love Michael”

Look at Banner! Apparently, “Michael Cera has buckled and agreed to board the Arrested Development movie“ As someone who has just recently finished my full second viewing of the series (and have elevated it to the pantheon of greatest-shows-of-all-time conversations, I can only add….w00t! [via /Film ]

MindFuck Movies

Seeing Michael Douglas on a theater marquee is like seeing Chef Boyardee on a can: You know the contents will be cheesy and geared toward an eighth-grade palate. Ouch. Tough, but fair. Aside from being a great list of films that each & every one should own & cherish…this Matthew Baldwin article is full of […]