Jon Hopkins – mtadkins Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:25:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jon Hopkins – mtadkins 32 32 / But when you said that I wasn’t worth talking to / I had to take your word on that / Tue, 22 May 2018 16:25:01 +0000
  • I was massively into “Exile in Guyville” back in 1993 (sigh), & in fact I’m sure that I still have a battered & grimy CD — plastic case splintered & cracked from living in various cars & being moved around the country for 25 years — still buried in a box in my closet. There’s a new anniversary set out & I just took a break from weeks of binging on other nerdy podcasts to listen to this awesome new episode of the music-nerd show Song Exploder, which features a breakdown of “Divorce Song”.
  • Aside from the deep dive back into the mid-90s, I’ve been bouncing back & forth between the new Jon Hopkins LP & the new album from Glitch Mob, which is pretty fun (even if it doesn’t have anything as glorious as “Between Two Points”  )
  • I love reading David Foster Wallace, but assuredly he was an imperfect person & often a jerk, especially toward women.
  • I had never heard of “The Oakland-Palestine Solidarity Mural”, but it’s only an hour away & now I’d like to check it out when next in Oakland.
  • Growing up in a family that tilted toward Midwestern, evangelical Christianity, I’m familiar with the weird obsession with Israel & the ‘end times” talk of Revelation, Apocalypse, etc. The fact that evangelicals can allow this current treatment of Palestinian people, trapped in a modern day , state-sized, US-enabled concentration camp… & still call themselves “Christian” makes it clear how far from that ideal they’ve fallen.
  • Other countries, the United States included (hey, we do have shrinking freedom of choicesupport torture , & are developing an ever-expanding surveillance system after all…) will undoubtedly follow China’s “social credit” system, maybe we should avoid those companies that play along **cough** Apple ** cough** ….
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