Laughter – mtadkins Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:54:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Laughter – mtadkins 32 32 More PORTAL [Warning: *Spoilers*, Tom Cruise] Sat, 09 Feb 2008 22:52:31 +0000 Well, not a SPOILER in the conventional sense…. I finally got to finish PORTAL (between the kids and the frequent crashing/freezing of my machine it took a while ;)….thumbs up, btw. But the highlight for me had to be the little song at the end. Just as I was marvelling at how cute & clever it was I noticed Jonathan Coulton‘s name scroll by. Figures.

Anyway, if you haven’t heard of Coulton (of "Code Monkey" fame) — he’s written scores of cute and clever songs, but perhaps the most apropos might now might be "Tom Cruise Crazy", for obvious reasons. For me, "You Ruined Everything" is one of my all-time favorite songs, and in particular the acoustic version he played whilst on NPR a while back. Anyway, here’s the closing credits song for PORTAL. It gives away some plot details, but you might not understand out of context….if you have any inkling of playing the game, do so and wait to hear it then.

Otherwise enjoy:


Et Tu, Babe? Sun, 18 Feb 2007 00:01:11 +0000 As I’ve been sorting out my stuff and labelling things so that I can sell it all, I came across a treasured little blast from the past…an actual audiobook (on cassette! gasp!) of mark Leyner’s Et Tu, Babe….which I still hold to be the very most funniest damn thing I have ever read. After hearing rumours of an audio version, read by the author, I finally tracked it down about 10 years ago and enjoyed it to no end.

I went to a lot trouble to convert it to mp3, but now of course you can buy the cassette on the cheap via Amazon or even download it from Audible. Give it try — highly recommended.
