
Tag: Poetry

“This is our story, simplified: Life. Loss. Transformation. Love. Death. Iteration.”

Wonderful writing in “We Will Teach You How to Read We Will Teach You How to Read” by Caroline M. Yoachim “…hopefully as you transform our words, you will keep some sense of the vastness of each moment, the illusion of holding more story in your mind than you are actually capable of holding.” ~ […]

Last Week: Oct 18 2021

WordNerds can find the time to address that “Read Next” Pile #TBR This little Kickstarter-project clock using literary quotes to relay the time is adorable. It also seems imminently doable in a DIY sense, so…. maybe go support them (?). Or make your own? Follow your own rainbow, dear Maker.   Victoria Chang Dear Memory […]

…you absented your soul from its own time

The Lace Being human: term for a flickering possession, existence of a happiness still undemonstrated: is it inhuman, that a pair of eyes turned into this small densely woven piece of lace? Do you want them back? You, long since vanished and finally blind– is all your human joy here inside this thing where your […]

Come live with me and be my love

  The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE) Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove, That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods, or steepy mountain yields. And we will sit upon the Rocks, Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow Rivers to whose falls Melodious […]