

one PORTAL closes, another PORTAL opens

In honor of PORTAL: Prelude, an unofficial fan-made (mod) ‘prelude’ to the original game, being released to the inter-tubes last week…I whiled away my downloadin’ time by trawling for some Portal-themed goodies, and found 2 heart-warmers: First, here’s a typography version of the final song by Trickster: Portal – Still Alive typography from Trickster on […]

More PORTAL [Warning: *Spoilers*, Tom Cruise]

Well, not a SPOILER in the conventional sense…. I finally got to finish PORTAL (between the kids and the frequent crashing/freezing of my machine it took a while ;)….thumbs up, btw. But the highlight for me had to be the little song at the end. Just as I was marvelling at how cute & clever […]

Hooked on PORTAL

So many ‘productive’ things I should be doing….but of course I’m spending all of my time playing PORTAL                   What a great, if somewhat dizzying, game experience…